Online booking
Level 2 Service
This clinic offers the following:
- Asymptomatic STI screenings and routine STI treatment for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea and Herpes.
- Sexual Health advice and Information
- All methods of contraception except for coil fittings.
- Emergency contraception
- Free Condoms
- Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) - Please call 0300 008 5522 first before attending the clinic.
Please note: This is a level 2 Sexual Health Clinic and will NOT be able to offer Symptomatic Screenings, Complex STI treatments, Vaccinations, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and coil fittings.
Opening Times
Wednesday 1pm-3pm: Appointment only (bookable online up to 7 days prior or by calling 0300 008 5522)
Wednesday 4pm- 6.30pm: Walk-in session for all ages (Please note: at times of high demand, priority will be given to the youngest patients)