FSRH January 2024 update to Mirena 52mg IUD

The Mirena 52mg LNG-IUD has now been licensed for 8 years (previously 5 years) for contraception. Please note if you are using this coil for hormone replacement therapy purposes, it will still need to be changed every 5 years. 

There are many types of contraception available The contraception choices website provides information on the effectiveness,risks and benefits of each sort. You may already know what you want. If not, this tool may help you decide what is best for you.

The Sexual Health Hertfordshire service has also created a helpful video for ‘How to use a condom’.

Our clinics can provide different forms of contraception. You can also access contraception from your GP. All GPs in Hertfordshire can provide the Contraceptive Pill and Injection. You can find a pharmacy that offers the contraceptive pill for free. You do not need to see a doctor or nurse for a prescription. For more information visit National Contraception Service.

Some GPs offer other types of contraception such as the coil or implant which are known as Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC). LARC methods don’t rely on you having to remember to take anything and are ideal if you don’t want to become pregnant for a while. Speak to your GP for more details.

There could be a waiting time of up to 4 weeks for a coil/implant procedure at one of our clinics, and you will require a consultation with one of our healthcare professionals before a procedure (fit, removal or replacement) appointment is offered. Your GP may provide a Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) service and you can contact them to check if they may be able to provide this sooner.

If you're due to have your coil removed or replaced and are unsure of what coil device you currently have, please contact your original provider to find out this information before you have your consultation.

Condoms are the only contraception that protects against pregnancy, STIs and HIV. Used correctly, they're 98% effective. If you are unsure how to use condoms correctly, you can watch our short video showing you how to use a condom the right way. 

‘Get It ‘provide free condoms which can either be posted out to you. Click here to register and start accessing free condoms, STI tests, and support. Some pharmacists also provide free condoms (6 regular size). Use the map below to find your nearest service.

Information about Emergency contraception and where you can get it from can be found on our Emergency Contraception section.